Who's Who

Pre-school Manager - Emma Burt

Key person group: blue

Forest School Leader, Early Years Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (EYSENCo), lead for behaviour support, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and lead for e-safety. 

Pre-school Practitioner - Beth Budden

Key person group: green

Beth is the Equality Lead

Pre-school Deputy - Anna Cummings

Key person group: orange

Anna is one of our Forest School Leaders, she is responsible for Health & Safety and is the nominated Fire Officer.  She is also the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Pre-school Practitioner - Heidi Davies

Key person group: red

Pre-school Practitioner - Chloe Jackman

Currently on maternity leave

Key person group: yellow

Early Years Teacher (level 6)

Administrator - Juliette Snape

RELIEF STAFF & STUDENTS: The Pre-school has a small pool of relief staff to cover absences and occasionally there may be students gaining experience in the group.