Song Book
Walking through the jungle, walking through the jungle [clapping]
What do you see? What do you see? [clapping]
If you hear a noise, shh, shh, shh [finger to lips]
What could it be? What could it be?
Well I think it was a tiger, roar [with hand action]
I think it was a tiger, roar [with hand action]
I think it was a tiger, roar [with hand action]
Looking for his tea, looking for his tea.
2nd verse: As above
Well I think it was a snake, ss ss ss [with hand action]
I think it was a snake etc...
3rd verse: As above
Well I think it was a crocodile, snap snap snap [with hand action]
I think it was a crocodile, snap snap snap [with hand action]
I think it was a crocodile, snap snap snap [with hand action]
Looking for his tea, looking for his tea,
I hope it isn’t me. [point to yourself]
Peter hammers with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer,
Peter hammers with one hammer, all day long.
[Use one fist to bang on your knee)
Peter hammers with two hammers...
[Use two fists]
Peter hammers with three hammers...
[Use two fists to bang on knee and stamp one foot on floor]
Peter hammers with four hammers...
[Use two fists to bang on knee and stamp two feet on floor]
Peter hammers with five hammers...
[Two fists, two feet and nod head]
Peter’s very quiet now, quiet now, quiet now,
Peter’s very quiet now, all day long.
[Pretend to sleep with head held on one side, against hands placed together]
Peter’s wide awake now, awake now, awake now,
Peter’s wide awake now, all day long.
[Two fists, two feet and nod head]
[Put both thumbs behind your back, bring out at start of second line and make them bow to each other. Repeat this for each verse: forefingers for Peter Pointer, middle fingers for Toby Tall, ring fingers for Ruby Ring, baby fingers for Baby Small (quiet voice) and all the fingers for the last verse.]
Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Peter Pointer, Peter Pointer, where are you?
Here I am, here I am, how do you do?
Toby Tall, Toby Tall...
Ruby Ring, Ruby Ring...
Baby Small, Baby Small,
Fingers All, Fingers All...
[Sing to tune of “Happy Birthday” but slowly!]
Here are Grandma’s spectacles, [Use fingers to make glasses]
Here is Grandma’s hat. [Use hands to make pointed hat]
This is the way she holds her hands, [Put hands together]
And puts them in her lap. [Place hands in lap]
Here are Grandad’s glasses, [Use fingers to make glasses]
Here is Grandad’s hat. [Pretend to put on hat]
This is the way he folds his arms, [Fold arms]
And has a little nap. [Pretend to go to sleep]
[Put right and left forefingers in front of you,
Put one behind you and then the other,
Bring one back and then the other.]
Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall,
One named Peter, one named Paul,
Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul,
Come back Peter, Come back Paul.
Twinkle, twinkle, chocolate bar
My dad drives a rusty car
Start the engine, pull the choke
Off we go in a cloud of smoke
Twinkle, twinkle, chocolate bar
My dad drives a rusty car
Up the tall white candlestick
Climbed little mousey brown
Right to the top
But he couldn't get down
So he called to his grandma
'Grandma, grandma'
But grandma was in town
So he curled himself into a ball
What a clever mouse!
And rolled himself back down