We believe that, if children are to play and learn successfully, they must feel secure and happy in the absence of their parents, knowing they will return at the end of the session to collect them.
Please don’t worry if your child appears to take longer than others to settle - you are more than welcome to stay and join in.
Time invested now in helping your child to settle will reap dividends later.
Your child’s key person will discuss any concerns you may have and work with you to help your child settle and enjoy their time at Pre-school.
For more information, please read our Settling In Policy.
You will find out who your child's key person is at the welcome evening.
The staff team is small so staff quickly get to know most children, not just their own key children, which makes it easier if a key person is absent.
Children do not need to be out of nappies before starting at pre-school.
We are equipped to change children and will work closely with parents to support them with toilet training.
The ERIC website has useful information about potty training:
In the warmer months, your child must arrive wearing 8 hour sun protection cream and a sunhat.
If your child cannot wear 8 hour cream, let us know so we can make sure sun cream is re-applied, either using our sun cream or cream supplied by you.
SPARE CLOTHES BAG: Supply a small bag to keep at preschool containing:
Two complete sets of spare clothes including socks (clearly labelled)
A wet bag (for returning wet or soiled clothes)
Spare nappies and wipes if needed.
Use the ‘nursery gate’ on the public footpath; press the buzzer and a member of staff will let you in remotely. The system can be temperamental in bad weather!
At the end of the day, enter via the front door and leave by the verandah.
Pushchairs may be left outside under the entrance canopy, at your own risk.
Dress for mess and expect mud, paint and glue to end up on clothes
Children need to be able to move freely for outdoor physical play.
Comfortable clothes that children can manage themselves will encourage independence and make it easier when using the toilet.
Preschool t-shirts and sweatshirts may be purchased from the office.
Paint and glue can usually be removed by a good soak in cold water, without washing detergent. Then wash in the normal way.
Every child is allocated waterproof dungarees and welly boots which are kept on their peg so they can go outside to play whatever the weather.
Please read our leaflet ‘How to dress for Forest School’ for more information.
Forest school is twice a week in the morning; the days are rotated half-termly.
Benefits include increased physical skills/strength, confidence, resilience and self-esteem and the opportunity to explore, collaborate, share and chat.
Favourite activities include the mud mound, slackline, rope swing, digging, using tools, den-making, mud kitchen and, of course, hot chocolate and pancakes cooked over the fire.
In the summer term, we may run some all day Forest School sessions and cook lunch over the fire.
Children must wear long trousers, long sleeved tops and socks to protect from ticks, grazes, bites and general rough and tumble play.
We advise you to regularly check children for ticks after outdoor play and Forest School.

The Preschool maintains a close relationship with the school by regularly using the school grounds for physical play and walks, together with visits to the reception classroom and the main hall to watch plays or assemblies.
Consent for this is included in the registration form.
We will let you know about walks or outings off the school premises (eg, Coneygar Hill or Cooper’s Circle) and will request your consent.
Volunteer helpers are sometimes needed for walks or outings to Cooper's Circle and Charmouth Beach.
Or maybe you have skills or talents that you could share with the children? If so, we would love to know.
Being late can be distressing for children; they may find it difficult to settle into the session and be upset if a parent is not there to collect them promptly. It is important that children start and leave on a positive note and this will also help them when they start school. We understand there are times when it cannot be avoided but persistent lateness is a concern.
Young children are usually more concerned with the “doing” than the end result so please welcome everything they have built, painted or created.
Please don’t be disappointed if your child does not bring something home as he/she will have been busy with other activities and your key person will be happy to share this with you.
Do not worry if your child does not seem to be playing with other children at first. It is usual for children to play alone or alongside others initially and it is often the final year of pre-school when ‘playing with others’ really takes off.
There is ‘free flow’ between indoors and outdoors so children can choose where they want to play and when.
Children’s free play will be supported with adult-initiated activities, including circle times with singing and stories.
A good starting point for talking with your child about pre-school are the photos on Facebook, emails from your key person or your child's Learning Journey.
This is how we encourage and support positive behaviour
PRAISE: We give verbal feedback to children that shows we value their positive behaviour and acts of kindness, eg, “Eve, that was kind to help Tom with his coat”. There are no stickers as this focuses attention on gaining stickers rather than the positive behaviour. Stickers may be useful for toilet training, alongside other strategies.
POSITIVE REMINDERS are given before a behaviour occurs, e.g., “Remember, wait at the gate” or "Who can show me how to step back safely from the fire square?"
POSITIVE ROLE MODELS are identified and praised using simple language, e.g., “George, good listening.” Staff demonstrate positive, friendly behaviour.
CHANGES: Children are made aware of changes or transitions (e.g., five minutes and then we tidy up). Sand timers or other visual prompts may be used.
CORRECTION: We speak to children at their eye level, without shouting, causing humiliation or using words such as “naughty” or “silly”. Rather than draw attention to it, some behaviour may be ignored unless it is unsafe. A positive role model may be identified or a positive reminder given. If it continues, attention will be gained using the child’s name and simple language will be used to make it clear what he/she should be doing (eg, Sarah, hands down), avoiding negatives such as “don’t hit”. We follow up with positive reinforcement, eg, use gentle hands. Corrections will be followed up as soon as possible with comments which highlight the child’s positive behaviour or attitude.
CONFLICTS between children are resolved by approaching calmly, acknowledging children’s feelings (eg, I can see you are upset), asking each child what the problem is and how they think it should be resolved, then talking it through and helping to put the solution into practice.
SITTING STILL is difficult and uncomfortable for young children and requires coordination, balance and core strength. We do not expect children to sit still for long periods of time and have a range of sensory resources that can help them focus while still moving, eg, fidget toys, Bilibos, wobble cushions.
LOOKING DEEPER: A behaviour can be an indicator that a child is struggling with something and needs our help and support. They may be angry, tired, confused, frustrated, frightened or unable to communicate their feelings any other way.
INVOLVING PARENTS: Key persons may share examples of children’s positive behaviour with parents at the end of the session or during appointments. Concerns about behaviour are shared with parents and incidents are logged to see if a pattern is emerging. A way forward can then be agreed with parents.