The Preschool is a Registered Charity with a Management Committee, mostly made up of preschool parents.
The Preschool is a member of the Early Years Alliance and has adopted their constitution model.
The elected committee members are the trustees with overall responsibility for making sure the setting runs smoothly.
The committee works in partnership with the staff team and Emma Burt, (Preschool Manager) oversees day to day activities.
The committee meets every half term to discuss finance, policies, staffing, fundraising, maintenance etc.
All our parents are invited to our Annual General Meeting in the autumn term when you can find out more about the Preschool’s activities and financial position over the previous year.
If you are interested in joining the committee, please ask.
Did you know…
Research shows clear benefits for children when parents become actively involved in their child’s learning and development from an early age.
Parental involvement has been recognised by the Government as being key to a child’s successful development.
Volunteering for the preschool’s parent-run committee offers an ideal opportunity for you to become more actively involved in your child’s preschool life.
You will make a real difference to how the pre-school is managed.
You will personally benefit by meeting other parents, updating existing skills and learning new ones, as well as making a positive contribution to your local community.
If you do not wish to join the committee, you can help in other ways by…
Supporting our fundraising activities;
Using your personal or professional skills;
Sharing your ideas;
Putting us in contact with others who could help.
We would love to hear from you!