Sessions, Fees and Funding
Effective from January 2025:
Preschool is open term-time, Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 3.30 pm.
The preschool closes for school holidays and Bank Holidays.
We try to stay open on ‘snow days’, depending on staffing levels.
Children may attend for mornings, afternoons, all day or a combination of these.
A breakfast club (from 8.00 am) and a late pick-up (3.30 pm) is available.
The preschool offers Government funded childcare.
Non-funded or additional hours are charged at £6.50 per hour.
Fees are invoiced monthly and payable at the end of that month.
Voluntary contributions are requested for snacks and some activities including football and beach sessions.
Please talk to us if you are experiencing financial difficulties so that a payment plan can be arranged.
Fees may be subject to change and parents will be notified of any increases. A review is usually carried out in June for the following September.
Please click on link below for our current session times and costs:

We are registered to receive Government funding which covers 38 weeks per year.
Information is available here:
Dorset Council
Childcare Choices website
3 and 4 Year Olds:
From the term after their third birthday, every child is entitled to 15 hours of preschool education per week (including the breakfast club, lunch, and late pick-up periods).
Some working families may be eligible for 30 hours per week for three and four year olds:
lf you and your partner (or if a lone parent) work full or part-time hours.
You may still be eligible if you're on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or if you're unable to work.
2 Year Olds:
Some two year olds are eligible for 15 hours if their family are receiving benefits;
Two year olds with working parents are eligible for 15 hours for which you will need and eligibility code;
Check your eligibility and apply here:
Additional fees (£6.50 ph) are payable for any hours or part hours over and above the 15 or 30 government funded hours.
We deal with the funding claim and will ask you to sign an agreement and claim form once a term.
Parents are responsible for obtaining and renewing an eligibility code if needed; the preschool is unable to help with this.
Other funding options include Tax-Free Childcare and Tax Credits.
You must inform us that your child is going to be absent as soon as possible and the reason for this.
If you claim early education funding, you are responsible for ensuring that your child uses their funded hours on a regular weekly basis.
If you claim early education funding, absence for long term illness may affect your funding.
Fees will still be charged when your child is absent, whether they are ill or on holiday or absent for any other reason.
If you are planning a holiday, either drop us an email or complete the form below and return it to preschool as soon as possible.
Funded children may take no more than two weeks of holiday per term.

Four weeks' term-time notice is required when changing sessions or leaving the preschool.
If notice is not given, the preschool will keep the remainder of the government funding for the half term or four weeks (whichever is the greater) or charge fees as necessary for non-funded children.